Good Question Good Answer

(translated from Good Question Good Answer 5th Revised Edition)
(翻自英文Good Question Good Answer 第五版)

Author: Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
Translator: Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society Chinese Translation Group

-Brief Introduction
1. What Is Buddhism?  什么是佛教?
2. Basic Buddhist Concept  佛教的基本教义
3. Buddhism and the God-Idea  佛教与“神”的概念
4. The Five Precepts  五戒
5. Rebirth  轮回
6. Meditation  禅修
7. Wisdom and Compassion  智慧与慈悲
8. Vegetarianism  素食主义
9. Good Luck and Fate  运气与命运
10. Monks and Nuns  僧团
11. The Buddhist Scriptures  佛教的经典
12. History and Development  历史与发展
13. Becoming a Buddhist  皈依佛教
14. Some Sayings of the Buddha  佛陀语录

Brief introduction 简介
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika was born in Australia in 1951. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk in India in 1976 and later lived in Sri Lanka where he became well-known for his efforts to promote Buddhism. He worked in Singapore in 1985 being a spiritual Advisor to the Dhamma Mandala Society and several other Buddhist groups. 

达弥卡法师(Venerable Shravasti Dhammika) 1951年出生于澳洲,1976年在印度落发为僧。他在斯里兰卡和新加坡居住多年,目前是新加坡佛教曼茶罗学会的宗教顾问。 达弥卡法师著有许多佛学及与佛教相关的书籍。在本书里,他解答了人对佛教常有的疑问。
Preface 序
I wrote most of this book in just a few days in 1987 and since that time several hundreds and thousands of copies of it have been printed in numerous editions. It has also been translated into 19 languages, most recently Polish, Laotian and Serbo-Croatian. I have often wondered what it is about this little book that has made it so widely spread and appreciated. Some years ago, while researching the history of Buddhism in China, I heard a man named Mou Rong who lived in the late Han dynasty (late 2nd century CE) and who wrote a book called Mouzi lihuolun. When the Dhamma first came to China, it found itself at odds with Confucian ideas and values. Confucianists expected Buddhists to explain and justify their ideas before they would accept them, something Indian monks were not very good at doing as they knew so little about Chinese culture. Eventually Mou Rong came to the rescue. His book took the form of a Confucianist asking questions about the Dhamma to a Buddhist who answered them. As much as possible, he tried to reconcile Buddhism and Confucianism and highlighted their common features. Many people found the question and answer format easy and Mou Rong's answers ingenious and convincing. Mou Rong's book was very popular for several centuries and had an important role to play in helping the Chinese understand the Dhamma. Good Question and Good Answer is nowhere near as good as the Mouzi lihuolun and it will certainly never be so enduring. But its question and answer format has probably got something to do with its popularity. After you have finished reading it, give it to a friend and then make a point of reading more about the Dhamma so you can come to understand it in a broader and deeper way.

S.Dhammika  Nov 2008

在1987年,我花了仅仅几天的时间,写了这本书。至今,这书的各个版本相继印了数千本,同时也译成了19个语言,包括最近译成的波兰语,寮语(老挝语)及塞尔维亚克罗地亚语。我常常想:到底是什么原因使这本书这么广泛流传又受欢迎? 几年前,在研究中国佛教历史时,我发现东汉末年(公元2世纪末)有个叫牟荣的人写了一本《牟子理惑论》。佛法最初传入中国时,受到了儒家的抵制,被指违背了儒家思想和道德观。儒家要佛家解释并辩证佛法,但印度僧人不了解中国文化,无法作出适当的辩解。牟荣就以《理惑论》一书为佛法进行辩解。他调解了儒家和佛家的分歧,并强调儒佛之间的共同之处。《理惑论》运用一问一答的方式,以儒家观点发问,再以佛家观点回答。许多人觉得这种问答方式简明易懂,而牟荣的解答方式即匠心独运又具说服力。《理惑论》因此在后来几个世纪深受欢迎,也在中国人认识佛法的过程中,扮演了举足轻重的角色。 《善问妙答》无法与《牟荣理惑论》媲美,也不可能像《牟子理惑论》那样流传千古。然而,其一问一答的格式或许是这本书深受欢迎的原因吧! 读完这本书后,请你把它送给一个朋友,和他结缘,并再继续阅读佛法书籍,以便更进一步认识与了解佛法。”


1. What Is Buddhism?  什么是佛教?
1.1 What is Buddhism? 什么是佛教?
1.2 So Buddhism is just a philosophy? 如此说来,佛教仅仅是一门哲学吗?
1.3 Who was the Buddha? 佛陀是什么人?
1.4 If he was only called ‘Buddha’ after he had this profound realization, what was his name before that? 佛陀出家前叫什么?
1.5 Wasn't it irresponsible for the Buddha to walk out on his wife and child? 佛陀离家出走不是不负责任的行为吗?
1.6 If the Buddha is dead how can he help us? 佛陀既然已经去世,他如何能帮助我们?
1.7 Was the Buddha a god? 佛陀是神吗?
1.8 If the Buddha is not a god why do people worship him? 既然佛陀不是神,那为何人们礼拜他呢?
1.9 But I have heard people say that Buddhists worship idols. 但我听说佛教徒崇拜偶像。
1.10 Why do people do all kinds of strange things in Buddhist temples? 为何人们在寺院里做出许多令人费解之事?
1.11 I see the word Dhamma often. What does it mean?
1.12 Is there a Buddhist equivalent of Christmas? 佛教里,有与圣诞节相似的节日吗?
1.13 If Buddhism is so good why are some Buddhist countries poor? 如果佛教真的那么好,为什么一些佛教国家却是贫穷的呢?
1.14 Why is it that you don't often hear of charitable work being done by Buddhists? 为什么我们不常听到佛教徒做慈善工作?
1.15 Why are there so many different types of Buddhism? 为什么有这么多佛教派系?
1.16 You certainly think highly of Buddhism. I suppose you believe it is the only true religion and that all the others are false. 你对佛教如此推崇,那你一定认为佛教的教义是唯一的真理,而其他宗教是错误的 。
1.17 Some people say all religions are really the same. Would you agree with them? 有人说“所有宗教的本质是一样的。”你同意这样的说法吗?
1.18 Is Buddhism scientific? 佛教合乎科学吗?
1.19 I have sometimes heard the Buddha’s teachings called the Middle Way. What does this term mean? 我常听人说佛法是“中道”,这是什么意思?
1.20 I read that Buddhism is just a type of Hinduism. Is this true? 我听说佛教不过是印度教的一支。真的吗?
1.21 But the Buddha did copy the idea of kamma from Hinduism didn’t he? 但是“业力”这概念是佛陀从印度教那里抄袭来的,不是吗?

QUESTION: What is Buddhism?
 The name Buddhism comes from the word budhi which means 'to wake up' and thus Buddhism can be said to be the philosophy of awakening. This philosophy has its origins in the experience of the man Siddhattha Gotama, known as the Buddha, who was himself awakened at the age of 35. Buddhism is now more than 2,500 years old and has about 380 million followers worldwide. Until a hundred years ago Buddhism was mainly an Asian philosophy but increasingly it is gaining adherents in Europe, Australia and the Americas.

佛教这个名词是梵文"Budhi"的音译演变而来的。"Budhi"的意思就是觉醒。所以佛教可说是觉醒的哲学。 这个哲学出自于悉达多的亲身经验。悉达多在三十五岁时觉醒了,他就是佛陀。 佛教从佛陀创始以来,至今已有两千五百年的历史,在世界各地有三亿左右的信徒。直至一百年前,佛教的活动范围主要只是在亚洲,而如今世界各地已逐渐接纳了佛教。
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: So Buddhism is just a philosophy? 
The word philosophy comes from two words philo, which means ‘love’, and sophia which means 'wisdom’. So philosophy is the love of wisdom, or love and wisdom. Both meanings describe Buddhism perfectly. Buddhism teaches that we should try to develop our intellectual ability to the fullest so that we can understand clearly. It also teaches us to develop love and kindness so that we can be like a true friend to all beings. So Buddhism is a philosophy but not just a philosophy. It is the supreme philosophy.

“哲学”在英文里是“philosophy”,是从“philo”和“sophy”这两个字根结合而来。“Philo”的意思是爱,而“sophia”是智慧。那么哲学可说是“智慧的爱”或是“爱的智慧”。这两种解说很完整形容佛陀的教诲。 佛教指导我们全面开发我们的智能,以便能彻底地理解一切事物。他也教导我们要培养慈悲与爱心,并把慈爱施予一切众生。 由此可见,佛教不仅是一般的哲学,而是一门无上的哲理。
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Who was the Buddha?
In the year 563 BC a baby was born into a royal family in northern India. He grew up in wealth and luxury but eventually found that worldly comforts and security do not guarantee happiness. He was deeply moved by the suffering he saw all around and resolved to find the key to human happiness. When he was 29 he left his wife and child and set off to sit at the feet of the great religious teachers of the day and to learn from them. They taught him much but none really knew the cause of human suffering and how it could be overcome. Eventually, after six years study, struggle and meditation he had an experience in which all ignorance fell away and he suddenly understood. From that day onwards he was called the Buddha, the Awakened One. He lived for another 45 years during which time he traveled all over northern India teaching others what he had discovered. His compassion and patience were legendary and he had thousands of followers. In his 80th year, old and sick, but still dignified and serene, he finally died.

答: 公元前563年,一名婴孩诞生于北印度的一个皇室里。他在豪富和奢侈的生活中成长,但总觉得世间的享受与安稳并不能确保生活就能幸福美满。他对世人所受的种种痛苦有无限的感触,所以下定决心要寻找人类幸福的秘诀。 在他29岁那年,他离开了爱妻与儿子,开始向当时的许多宗教导师求教。这些导师虽然教导了他不少,但始终没能解说痛苦的起因及解决方法。 最终,经过了六年的努力,苦行及禅修,他觉醒了,所有的无明随之而消逝。从那天起,他被尊称为“佛陀”,即觉悟者。 接下来的45年,佛陀游走北印度,宣扬他所证悟的道理。由于佛陀的慈悲和宽容在当时声明远扬,因此跟随他的信徒成千上万。在80岁那年,年万有病的佛陀终于安详地入灭。
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: If he was only called ‘Buddha’ after he had this profound realization, what was his name before that?
The Buddha’s family or clan name was Gotama, which means ‘best cow’, cattle being objects of wealth and prestige at that time. His given name was Siddhattha which means ‘attaining his goal’, the kind of name one would expect a ruler to give his son.

答: 释迦牟尼佛,原名乔达摩·悉达多(巴利文:Gotama Siddhattha;梵文: Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度释迦族人(生于尼泊尔南部),佛教创始人。 成佛后的释迦牟尼,尊称为佛陀,意思是大彻大悟的人;民间信仰佛教的人也常称呼佛祖、如来佛祖。在佛教中记载着农历的四月初八是佛教鼻祖释迦牟尼佛诞辰日。 (汉语读音释迦牟尼shì jiā móu ní,牟为多音字,在这里读móu。)
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Wasn't it irresponsible for the Buddha to walk out on his wife and child?

It couldn't have been an easy thing for the Buddha to leave his family. He must have worried and hesitated for a long time before he finally left. But he had a choice between dedicating himself to his family or dedicating himself to the world. In the end, his great compassion made him give himself to the whole world, and the whole world still benefits from his sacrifice. This was not irresponsible. It was perhaps the most significant sacrifice ever made.

Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: If the Buddha is dead how can he help us?

Faraday who discovered electricity is dead, but what he discovered still helps us. Louis Pasteur who found the cures for so many diseases is also dead, but his medical discoveries still save lives. Leonardo da Vinci who created masterpieces of art is dead, but what he created can still uplift the heart and give joy. Great heroes and heroines may have been dead for centuries but when we read of their deeds and achievements we can still be inspired to act as they did. Yes, the Buddha passed away but 2500 years later his teachings still help people, his example still inspires people, his words still change lives. Only a Buddha could have such power centuries after his passing.

发现电流的法拉迪(Faraday)已经不再人间,但他的发现仍让我们受益。发现了许多疾病的治疗方法的路易斯.巴斯特(Luis Pasteur)已过世多时,但他的医学发现还在挽救无数的性命。达文西(Leonardo da Vinci)这名大画家虽已逝世,但他的创作尚能振奋人心并继续陶治世人的性情。许多伟人与英雄人物,虽然已经死了数百年,但他们的事迹与成就还是激励我们。 佛陀虽在2500年示寂,但今时今日,他的教诲依然造益世人,他的榜样仍旧启发人心,他所说过的话还在改造生命。只有佛陀,在去世了这么多世纪以后,依然有如此深远的影响力。

Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Was the Buddha a god?
No, he was not. He did not claim that he was a god, the child of a god or even the messenger from a god. He was a human being who perfected himself and taught that if we follow his example we could perfect ourselves also.


Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: If the Buddha is not a god why do people worship him?
There are different types of worship. When someone worships a god, they praise him or her, make offerings and ask for favors, believing that the god will hear their praise, receive their offerings and answer their prayers. Buddhists do not practice this kind of worship. The other kind of worship is when we show respect to someone or something we admire. When a teacher walks into a room we stand up; when we meet a dignitary we shake hands; when the national anthem is played we salute. These are all gestures of respect and worship and indicate our admiration for a specific person or thing. This is the type of worship Buddhists practice.

A statue of the Buddha with its hands resting gently in its lap and its compassionate smile reminds us to strive to develop peace and love within ourselves. The perfume of incense reminds us of the pervading influence of virtue, the lamp reminds us of the light of knowledge, and the flowers, which soon fade and die, reminds us of impermanence. When we bow we express our gratitude to the Buddha for what his teachings have given us. This is the meaning of Buddhist worship.





Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: But I have heard people say that Buddhists worship idols.
Such statements only reflect the misunderstanding of the persons who make them. The dictionary defines an idol as ‘an image or statue worshipped as a god.’ As we have seen, Buddhists do not believe that the Buddha was a god, so how could they possibly believe that a piece of wood or metal is a god? All religions use symbols to represent their various beliefs.

In Taoism, the ying-yang diagram is used to symbolize the harmony between opposites. In Sikhism, the sword is used to symbolize spiritual struggle. In Christianity, the fish is used to symbolize Christ’s presence and a cross to represent his sacrifice. In Buddhism, the statue of the Buddha reminds us of the human dimension in Buddhist teaching, the fact that Buddhism is human-centered rather than god-centered, that we must look within, not without to find perfection and understanding. Therefore, to say that Buddhists worship idols is as silly as saying that Christians worship fish or geometrical shapes.




Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Why do people do all kinds of strange things in Buddhist temples?
Many things seem strange to us when we don't understand them. Rather than dismiss such things as strange, we should try to find their meaning. However, it is true that some of the things Buddhists do have their origin in popular superstition and misunderstanding rather than the teaching of the Buddha. And such misunderstandings are not found in Buddhism alone but creep into in all religions from time to time. The Buddha taught with clarity and in detail and if some people fail to understand fully, he cannot be blamed for that. There is a saying from the Buddhist scriptures:

‘If a person suffering from a disease does not seek treatment even when there is a physician at hand, it is not the fault of the physician. In the same way, if a person is oppressed and tormented by the disease of the defilements but does not seek the help of the Buddha, that is not the Buddha's fault.’
Jn. 28-9

Nor should Buddhism or any religion be judged by those who don't practice it properly. If you wish to know the real teachings of Buddhism, read the Buddha's words or speak to those who understand them properly.




Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: I see the word Dhamma often. What does it mean?
The word dhamma (Sanskrit dharma) has multiple meanings but as it is used in Buddhism its main meaning is truth, reality, actuality, the way things are. Because we consider the Buddha’s teachings to be true we often refer to them as Dhamma too.

Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Is there a Buddhist equivalent of Christmas?
According to tradition, Prince Siddhattha was born, became the Buddha and passed away on the full moon day of Vesakha, the second month of the Indian year, which corresponds to April-May of the Western calendar. On that day Buddhists in all lands celebrate these events by visiting temples, participating in various ceremonies, or perhaps spending the day meditating.

根据传说, 悉达多王子是在印度日历里的“卫塞”(Vesakha)月的月圆日诞生、证悟以及涅磐。卫塞月是印度历法中的第二个月,相当于西历里的四月至五月之间。在这一天,世界各地的佛教徒为了纪念佛陀的诞生、证悟和涅磐这三件事,都会到寺院去参与许多庆祝活动或是在这一天里静坐修行。

Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: If Buddhism is so good why are some Buddhist countries poor?
If by poor you mean economically poor, then it is true that some Buddhist countries are poor. But if by poor you mean a poor quality of life, then perhaps some Buddhist countries are quite rich. America, for example, is an economically rich and powerful country but the crime rate is one of the highest in the world; millions of elderly people are neglected by their children and die of loneliness in old people's homes; domestic violence, child abuse, drug addiction are major problems; and one in three marriages end in divorce. Rich in terms of money but perhaps poor in terms of the quality of life. Now if you look at some traditional Buddhist countries you find a very different situation.

Parents are honored and respected by their children, the crime rates are relatively low, divorce and suicide are rare, and traditional values like gentleness, generosity, hospitality to strangers, tolerance and respect for others are still strong. Economically backward but perhaps a higher quality of life than a country like America. However, even if we judge Buddhist countries in terms of economics alone, one of the wealthiest and most economically dynamic countries in the world today is Japan where a good percentage of the population call themselves Buddhist.





Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Why is it that you don't often hear of charitable work being done by Buddhists?
Perhaps it is because Buddhists don't feel the need to boast about the good they do.

Several years ago the Japanese Buddhist leader Nikkyo Nirwano received the Templeton Prize for his work in promoting inter-religious harmony.

Likewise a Thai Buddhist monk was recently awarded the prestigious Magsaysay Prize for his excellent work among drug addicts.

In 1987 another Thai monk, Ven. Kantayapiwat, was awarded the Norwegian Children's Peace Prize for his many years of work helping homeless children in rural areas.

And what about the large scale social work being done among the poor in India by the Western Buddhist Order? They have built schools, child-minding centers, dispensaries and small-scale industries for self-sufficiency. Buddhists see help given to others as an expression of their religious practice just as other religions do but they believe that it should be done quietly and without self-promotion.


几年前,日本佛教界领袖庭野日敬(Nikkyo Niwano)因他对宗教和谐所作的贡献而获颁坦伯顿奖(The Templeton Prize)。一位泰国僧人也在最近因他对吸毒者的辅导工作而获得麦莎莎奖(Magsaysay Prize)。

泰国僧人堪达雅比华(Kantayapiwat)多年在乡间协助无家的孩童,于1987年获颁挪威儿童和平奖(Norwegian Children's Peace Prize)以认可他多年的贡献。西洋佛教会(Western Buddhist Order)也在印度有大规模的济贫工作。他们建学校、托儿中心、医疗所,并开办自立营生的小型工业。


Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Why are there so many different types of Buddhism?
There are many different types of sugar - brown sugar, white sugar, rock sugar, syrup and icing sugar - but it is all sugar and it all tastes sweet. It is produced in different forms so that it can be used in different ways. Buddhism is the same: there is Theravada Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, Yogacara Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism but it is all the teachings of the Buddha and it all has the same taste - the taste of freedom.

Buddhism has evolved into different forms so that it can be relevant to the different cultures in which it exists. It has been reinterpreted over the centuries so that it can remain relevant to each new generation. Outwardly, the types of Buddhism may seem very different but at the center of all of them are the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. All major religions, Buddhism included, have split into schools and sects. Perhaps the difference between Buddhism and some other religions is that the various schools have generally been very tolerant and friendly towards each other.




Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: You certainly think highly of Buddhism. I suppose you believe it is the only true religion and that all the others are false.
No Buddhist who understands the Buddha's teaching thinks that other religions are wrong. No one who has made a genuine effort to examine other religions with an open mind could think like that either. The first thing you notice when you study the different religions is just how much they have in common. All religions acknowledge that humankind's present state is unsatisfactory. All believe that a change of attitude and behavior is needed if the human situation is to improve. All teach an ethics that includes love, kindness, patience, generosity and social responsibility, and all accept the existence of some form of Absolute. They use different languages, different names and different symbols to describe and explain these things. It is only when people cling narrow-mindedly to their particular way of seeing things that intolerance, pride and self-righteousness arise.

Imagine an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Chinese and an Indonesian all looking at a cup.

The Englishman says, ‘That is a cup’.

The Frenchman answers, ‘No it's not. It's a tasse’.

Then the Chinese comments, ‘You are both wrong. It's a bei’.

Finally the Indonesian man laughs at the others and says, ‘What fools you are. It's a cawan’.

Then the Englishman get a dictionary and shows it to the others saying, ‘I can prove that it is a cup. My dictionary says so’.

‘Then your dictionary is wrong,’ says the Frenchman, ‘because my dictionary clearly says it is a tasse’.

The Chinese scoffs, ‘My dictionary says it’s a bei and my dictionary is thousands of years older than yours so it must be right.
And besides, more people speak Chinese than any other language, so it must be a bei’.

While they are squabbling and arguing with each other, another man comes up, drinks from the cup and then says to the others, ‘Whether you call it a cup, a tasse, a bei or a cawan, the purpose of the cup is to hold water so that it can be drunk. Stop arguing and drink, stop squabbling and quench your thirst’. This is the Buddhist attitude to other religions.

问:你对佛教如此推崇,那你一定认为佛教的教义是唯一的真理,而其他宗教是错误的 。











Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Some people say all religions are really the same. Would you agree with them?
Religions are far too complex and diverse to be encapsulated by a neat little statement like that. A Buddhist might say that this statement contains elements of both truth and falsehood. Buddhism teaches that there is no god while some other religions teach there is. Buddhism says that enlightenment is available to everyone who purifies their mind while Christianity for example insists that salvation is possible only for those who believe in Jesus. I think these are significant differences. However, one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible says;

‘If I speak the languages of men and angels but have no love, I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith so strong that it can move a mountain, but I have no love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and even surrender my body to the flames but I have no love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs done. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always perseveres.’
I Cor.13-7

This is exactly what Buddhism teaches - that the quality of our heart is more important than any super-normal powers we might have, our ability to foretell the future, the strength of our faith or any extravagant gestures we might make. So when it comes to theological concepts and theories Buddhism and Christianity certainly differ. But when it comes to heart-qualities, ethics and behavior they are very similar. The same could be said for Buddhism and other religions.

问: 有人说“所有宗教的本质是一样的。”你同意这样的说法吗?



Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Is Buddhism scientific?
Before we answer that question it would be best to define the word 'science.' Science is, according to the dictionary, ‘knowledge which can be made into a system, which depends upon seeing and testing facts and stating general natural laws, a branch of such knowledge, anything that can be studied exactly.’ There are aspects of Buddhism that would not fit into this definition but the central teachings of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths, most certainly would. Suffering, the First Noble Truth, is an experience that can be defined, experienced and measured. The Second Noble Truth states that suffering has a natural cause, craving, which likewise can be defined, experienced and measured. No attempt is made to explain suffering in terms of a metaphysical concept or myths. According to the Third Noble Truth, suffering is ended, not by relying upon a supreme being, by faith or by prayers but simply by removing its cause. This is axiomatic. The Fourth Noble Truth, the way to end suffering, once again, has nothing to do with metaphysics but depends on behaving in specific ways. And once again behavior is open to testing. Buddhism dispenses with the concept of a supreme being, as does science, and explains the origins and workings of the universe in terms of natural laws. All of this certainly exhibits a scientific spirit. Once again, the Buddha's constant advice that we should not blindly believe but rather question, examine, inquire and rely on our own experience, has a definite scientific ring to it. In his famous Kalama Sutta the Buddha says;

‘Do not go by revelation or tradition, do not go by rumor or the sacred scriptures, do not go by hearsay or mere logic, do not go by bias towards a notion or by another person's seeming ability and do not go by the idea “He is our teacher.” But when you yourself know that a thing is good, that it is laudable, that it is praised by the wise and when practiced and observed that it leads to happiness, then follow that thing.’

So we could say that although Buddhism is not entirely scientific, it certainly has a strong scientific overtone and is certainly more scientific than any other religion. It is significant that Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the 20th century, said of Buddhism:

‘The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both natural and spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual and a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.’







Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: I have sometimes heard the Buddha’s teachings called the Middle Way. What does this term mean?
The Buddha gave his Noble Eightfold Path an alternative name, majjhima patipada, which means ‘the Middle Way’. This is a very important name because it suggests to us that it is not enough to just follow the Path, but that we have to follow it in a particular way. People can become very rigid about religious rules and practices and end up becoming real fanatics. In Buddhism the rules have to be followed and the practice done in a balanced and reasonable way that avoids extremism and excess. The ancient Romans used to say ‘Moderation in all things’ and Buddhists would agree with this completely.

佛陀把「八正道」也称为「中道」(Majjhima Patipada)。“中道”这词语义深长,因为这词表示我们在遵循八正道时,还需要以某种态度来调节。人们遵循宗教条规与修行时,常常变得故步自封或过度执迷,最后走向极端。然而佛教却强调在修行及持戒时,必须抱有中庸、平衡、和谐的态度,避免走向任何极端。

古罗马有这么一个说法, “ 凡事应有适当的调和”,这与佛教所提倡的精神不谋而合。

Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: I read that Buddhism is just a type of Hinduism. Is this true?
No, it is not. Buddhism and Hinduism share many ethical ideas, they use some common terminology like the words kamma, samadhi and nirvana, and they both originated in India. This has led some people to think that they are the same or very similar. But when we look beyond the superficial similarities we see that the two religions are distinctly different. For example, Hindus believe in a supreme god while Buddhists do not. One of the central teachings of Hindu social philosophy is the idea of caste, which Buddhism firmly rejects. Ritual purification is an important practice in Hinduism but it has no place in Buddhism. In the Buddhist scriptures the Buddha is often portrayed as criticizing what the brahmins, the Hindu priests, taught and they were very critical of some of his ideas. This would not have happened if Buddhism and Hinduism were the same.




Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: But the Buddha did copy the idea of kamma from Hinduism didn’t he?
Hinduism does teach a doctrine of kamma and also reincarnation. However, its versions of both these teachings are very different from the Buddhist version. For example, Hinduism says we are determined by our kamma while Buddhism says our kamma only conditions us. According to Hinduism, an eternal soul or atman passes from one life to the next while Buddhism denies that there is such a soul, saying rather that it is a constantly changing stream of mental energy that is reborn. These are just some of the many differences between the two religions on kamma and rebirth. However, even if the Buddhist and Hindu teachings were identical this would not necessarily mean that the Buddha unthinkingly copied the ideas of others.

It sometimes happens that two people, quite independently of each other, make exactly the same discovery. A good example of this was the discovery of evolution. In 1858, just before he published his famous book The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin found that another man, Alfred Russell Wallace, had conceived the idea of evolution just as he had done. Darwin and Wallace had not copied each other’s ideas; rather, by studying the same phenomena they had come to the same conclusion about them. So even if Hindu and Buddhist ideas about kamma and rebirth were identical, which they are not, this would not necessarily be proof of copying. The truth is that through the insights they developed in meditation Hindu sages got vague ideas about kamma and rebirth which the Buddha later expounded more fully and more accurately.


话说回来,假使这两个宗教关于业力的教义是一致的,那也不能说是佛教盲目抄袭印度教。不同的人还是可以同时发现相同的事实。生物进化论就是一个很好的例子。1858年,在达尔文(Charles Darwin)出版《物种起源》(The Origin of Species)之前,他发现艾弗·华乐斯(Alfred Russell Wallace)也提出了同样的进化论。达尔文和艾弗并无互相抄袭。他们是观察与研究了同样的事情而得到了一致的结论。以此类推,就算佛教与印度教有相似之处,也不能表示他们之间有互相抄袭之嫌。


Back to 1.What is Buddhism?

2. Basic Buddhist Concept  佛教的基本教义
2.1 What are the main teachings of the Buddha? 佛陀教了些什么?
2.2 What is the First Noble Truth? 第一圣谛是什么?
2.3 Isn't this a bit pessimistic? 这不是太悲观了?
2.4 What is the Second Noble Truth? 第二圣谛是什么?
2.5 But how does wanting and craving lead to physical suffering? 贪欲又如何导致肉体上的痛苦呢?
2.6 That's all very well. But if we stopped wanting altogether, we would never get anything or achieve anything. 这似乎很有道理,但如果我们完全放弃欲望,那我们不就一无所有并且一事不成?
2.7 You have talked about rebirth, but is there any proof that such a thing happens? 你提出了轮回。有什么证明真有轮回此事?
2.8 What is the Third Noble Truth? 第三圣谛是什么?
2.9 What or where is Nirvana? 涅磐是什么?
2.10 But is there any proof that such a dimension exists? 有什么证据证明涅磐境界的存在?
2.11 If a characteristic of Nirvana is the absence of desire and craving, how can you attain it by desiring to attain it?
2.12 What is the Fourth Noble Truth? 第四圣谛是什么?

QUESTION: What are the main teachings of the Buddha?
All of the many teachings of the Buddha center on the Four Noble Truths just as the rim and spokes of a wheel center on the hub. They are called 'Four' because there are four of them. They are called 'Noble' because they ennoble one who understands them and they are called 'Truths' because, corresponding with reality, they are true.


Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: What is the First Noble Truth?
The first Noble Truth is that life is suffering. To live is to suffer. It is impossible to live without experiencing some kind of pain or distress. We have to endure physical suffering like sickness, injury, tiredness, old age and eventually death and we have to endure psychological suffering like loneliness, frustrations, fear, embarrassment, disappointment, anger, etc.


Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: Isn't this a bit pessimistic?
The dictionary defines pessimism as 'the habit of thinking that whatever will happen will be bad,' or ‘the belief that evil is more powerful than good.' Buddhism teaches neither of these ideas. Nor does it deny that happiness exists. It simply says that to live is to experience physical and psychological suffering which is a statement so true and so obvious that it cannot be denied. Buddhism starts with an experience, an irrefutable fact, a thing that all know, that all have experienced and that all are anxious to avoid. Thus, Buddhism starts by going straight to the core of every individual human beings' concern - suffering and how to avoid it.



Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: What is the Second Noble Truth?
The Second Noble Truth is that craving causes all suffering. When we look at psychological suffering, it is easy to see how it is caused by craving. When we want something but are unable to get it, we feel disappointed or frustrated. When we expect someone to live up to our expectations and they do not, we feel let down and angry. When we want others to like us and they don't, we feel hurt. Even when we want something and are able to get it, this does not often lead to happiness because it is not long before we feel bored with that thing, lose interest in it and commence to want something else. Put simply, the Second Noble Truth says that getting what you want does not guarantee happiness. Rather than constantly struggling to get what you want, try to modify your wanting. Wanting deprives us of contentment and happiness.




Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: But how does wanting and craving lead to physical suffering?
A lifetime of wanting and craving for this and that and especially the craving to continue to exist creates a powerful energy that causes the individual to be reborn. When we are reborn, we have a body and as we said before, the body is susceptible to injury and disease; it can be exhausted by work; it ages and eventually dies. Thus, craving leads to physical suffering because it causes us to be reborn.


Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: That's all very well. But if we stopped wanting altogether, we would never get anything or achieve anything.
True. But what the Buddha says is that when our desire, our craving, our constant discontent with what we have and our continual longing for more and more does cause us suffering, then we should stop doing it. He asked us to make a difference between what we need and what we want and to strive for our needs and modify our wants. He taught us that our needs can be fulfilled but that our wants are endless - a bottomless pit. There are needs that are essential, fundamental and that can be obtained and we should work towards this. Desires beyond this should be gradually lessened. After all, what is the purpose of life? To get or to be content and happy?



Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: You have talked about rebirth, but is there any proof that such a thing happens?
There is ample evidence that such a thing happens but we will look at this in more detail later on.


Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: What is the Third Noble Truth?
The Third Noble Truth is that suffering can be overcome and happiness attained. This is perhaps the most important of the Four Noble Truths because in it the Buddha reassured us that true happiness and contentment are possible. When we give up useless craving and learn to live each day at a time, enjoying without restless wanting the experiences that life offers us, patiently enduring the problems that life involves without fear, hatred and anger, then we become happy and free. Then and only then, are we able to live fully. Because we are no longer obsessed with satisfying our own selfish wants, we find we have so much time to help others fulfill their needs. This state is called Nirvana.



Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: What or where is Nirvana?
It is a dimension transcending time and space and thus is difficult to talk about or even to think about, words and thoughts being only suited to describe the time-space dimension. But because Nirvana is beyond time, there is no movement, no friction and so no aging or dying. Thus Nirvana is eternal. Because it is beyond space, there is no causation, no boundary, no concept of self and no self and thus Nirvana is infinite. The Buddha also assured us that Nirvana is an experience of great happiness. He said:

‘Nirvana is the highest happiness.’Dhp.204





Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: But is there any proof that such a dimension exists?
No, there is not. But its existence can be inferred. If there is a dimension where time and space do operate and there is such dimension - the world we experience - then we can infer that there is a dimension where time and space do not operate - Nirvana. Again, even though we cannot prove Nirvana exists, we have the Buddha's word that it does. He told us:

‘There is an Unborn, a Not-become, a Not-made, a Not-compounded. If there were not this Unborn, Not-become, Not-made, Not-compounded, there could not be an escape from what is born, become, made, and compounded. But since there is this Unborn, Not-become, Not-made, Not-compounded, there is an escape from what is born, become, made and compounded.’Ud, 80

We will know it when we attain it. Until that time, we can still apply those aspects of the Buddha's teachings that we can verify.

没有, 没有证据。但涅磐的存在是可以推理出来的。


即使我们没有证据证明, 我们仍可依据佛陀所说的。



Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: If a characteristic of Nirvana is the absence of desire and craving, how can you attain it by desiring to attain it?
Like any other goal one has to focus one’s effort and energy to attain Nirvana. However, in time, as you understanding deepens, you come to realize that Nirvana is not a thing ‘out there’ which you can ‘get’, but rather the state of being without desire, a state of complete knowledge, satisfaction and fulfillment. When you understand this your desire fades and eventually ceases. Then you have attained Nirvana.

Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

QUESTION: What is the Fourth Noble Truth?
The Fourth Noble Truth is the Path leading to the overcoming of suffering. This path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and consists of Perfect Understanding, Perfect Thought, Perfect Speech, Perfect Action, Perfect Livelihood, Perfect Effort, Perfect Mindfulness and Perfect Concentration. The Buddhist life consists of practicing these eight things until they are brought to completion. You will notice that the steps on the Noble Eightfold Path cover every aspect of life: the intellectual, the ethical, the social and economic, and the psychological and therefore contain everything a person needs to lead a good life and to develop spiritually.




Back to 2. Basic Buddhist Concept

3. Buddhism and the God-Idea  佛教与“神”的概念

4. The Five Precepts  五戒

5. Rebirth  轮回

6. Meditation  禅修

7. Wisdom and Compassion  智慧与慈悲

8. Vegetarianism  素食主义

9. Good Luck and Fate  运气与命运

10. Monks and Nuns  僧团

11. The Buddhist Scriptures  佛教的经典

12. History and Development  历史与发展

13. Becoming a Buddhist  皈依佛教

14. Some Sayings of the Buddha  佛陀语录

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